Sunday, October 11, 2009

Winter is creeping in...

I awoke this morning to crisp air and crunchy grass. As I walked to the chicken pen, I noticed that there was patchy frost throughout our yard. It seems as though our crops were not damaged by this surprise frost, but this growing season still has a trick or two up its sleeve. Our first fall frost in the last seven years hasn't come before Halloween. I am hoping that we don't get a hard freeze before Halloween. That would damage our celery and chinese cabbage. Unfortunately the slugs have eaten nearly every head of lettuce that we planted. They are out of control this year. All the rains and wetness of the summer has provided the slugs with perfect conditions to become specimens that would make their west coast brethren proud.

Also, we think it is necessary to shorten further the pick up time on Thursdays. We were wrapping up around 7:30 for September, and that would allow us a few minutes to get everything cleaned up before it was too dark to see. We would like to move the closing time up to 7:00 for the month of October, so that we can see to clean up and you can all see to get your veggies. If you think you will be later then 7:00, please send Amy an email or call our farm. We will put together a share for you, so you can pick it up when you can get here.

Enjoy the brisk days of fall!

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