Tuesday, June 2, 2009

XPN talks sustainability

If you haven't heard it yet, you might want to tune in to WXPN in the afternoons. I was running a few errands this afternoon and was lucky enough to be in the car when they aired an interview with Judy Wicks, founder of White Dog cafe in Philly and cheerleader for local living economies in the Philadelphia region. She was talking about how much distance has been put between eaters and food producers/processors. She touched on how damaging it has been to our culture and economy that we have gotten away from enjoying the simplicity of using what is available to us - finding local investments, buying clothing produced as nearby as is legal (PA can't grow cotton, but can grow hemp.), and supporting local farms and food processors. I have given it a cursory review, but the webpage that XPN has developed, Sustainability: The New Frontier, looks intriguing. Check it out.

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